Tuesday, April 7, 2020

what to do... what to do...

Brace yourselves for another wild ride on the (possibly derailed) rollercoaster of Kim's mind! Freestyling it here. That seems wrong. If you say it out loud, the added g at the end makes it seem formal, which is the opposite result of what I was trying to attain with the use of that word. It probably should be freestylin'. Okay, let's try again.

Brace yourselves for another wild ride on the (so clearly definitely derailed) rollercoaster of Kim's mind! Freestylin' it here.

Much better. Let's move on.

Yesterday I couldn't decide whether to go all in and put on actual pants and a sweater or whether to just go for leggings and a sweatshirt. This, in all likelihood, was going to be my biggest decision of the day, so I wanted to give it proper weighty consideration. The arguments in favor of making the effort to dress in such a way that I could, if needed, leave the house were on the sparse side. Because I pretty much knew I wasn't going to leave the house. Because coronavirus. And it was raining. Hard. So the only reason I might leave the house, to go on a walk, had to be evaluated with the added knowledge that whatever I was wearing would be covered up in a long coat and shielded by an umbrella so not likely to even be seen. Also, sane people don't go walking in the pouring rain so it's not like there would be loads of neighbors out commenting on, or even noticing, my attire (it should be noted here that Dave and I did, in fact, go on a walk in the pouring rain so there goes our sanity defense).

The arguments in favor of leggings and a sweatshirt were myriad. Comfortable. That counts as myriad because comfortable. Don't make me use a thesaurus. Because I will. (I'm noticing how often I am using the word "because" today and I have no accompanying explanation but I will try to find another word so you don't get bored). And then you'll be reading a long list of words that remind you of how important being comfortable is because (damn it!) otherwise there wouldn't be that many words that mean comfortable. And I will be proven right regarding the whole myriad thing. So just trust me on this one.

Against all odds I decided on jeans and a sweater. I can't explain it. I'm not even going to try. It defies logic. The most biggest, most important decision of the day and I probably blew it.

What are you snacking on? Do you find yourself debating what to eat based on the pandemic? I do. I look at certain foods and I mentally play out how frequently I can eat that food before it runs out and then I have to consider how crazy-difficult might it be to replace that food, and also how many days until the next grocery store run. It feels like maybe probability math would come in handy here but that was never my strength. I can, however, calculate on average how many miles I walk a day, and the number is superboredofwalking and a half.

So... what to do... what to do...

I've been practicing Italian on Duolingo (I receive nothing from the company for that mention, by the way) and I have to say that whoever is making up the vocabulary sequencing and the practice sentences over there is either whack a doodle or having a LOT of fun. I can successfully say in Italian, in case it ever comes up in conversation, "There is not a snake in my boot", "The old doctor is not a train conductor" and "If you open the gate the horses will not kill you". I mean, they're all very reassuring things to know, yes. Nobody, I think we can agree, wants a snake in their boot. Which never even occurred to me and now does when I put my boots on so that's a problem where before there was not one. I'm glad the old doctor is not a train conductor because I think being a doctor is probably really hard and when you retire you should not have to find another job. I think also maybe being a doctor is enough, so hopefully the young doctor is not a train conductor, either. I don't know who thinks horses are killer animals but whatever. I'm not a horse fan so if there's a corral full of them I'm never going to open a gate to let them out anyway so I have no worries there. It's probably good that Duolingo does not pay me to mention their program.

I'm going to try to write a book. I have no idea what it's going to be about. In all likelihood I am not going to try to write a book. But you never know. I've heard it said that everyone has one book in them. I just do not think that's true. I think we all might have one decent haiku in us. But I think that may be it for the majority of us.

A general roundup of my thoughts for pretty much every day over the past two weeks:

Coffee is the best.
Is it lunchtime yet? Not yet?
What is for dinner?

Going to end this rambling commentary and go find out if there are any other alarming animals in my footwear.

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