Monday, April 20, 2020

Random Observations in the Midst of a Pandemic

Pandemic would be a great band name. Well, I mean, it would have been a great band name. Say it out loud: "Coming to the stage... the one... the only... PANDEMIC!!!" It works. Would have worked. Not so much anymore. But you know. Last year.

We go through a staggering amount of cutlery on a daily basis. I don't actually know if this is pandemic-related or not. But the silverware portion of the dishwasher is ALWAYS full, even if the rest of it is empty. I don't understand this at all. We are not heathens. We use plates and glasses. Why the over-abundance of dirty forks? Someone DM me if you have an answer.

Groundhog Day was, it turns out, a startlingly realistic documentary, not a comedy. If they re-released it I am certain it would win an Oscar.

I very much enjoy playing Solitaire right now (the real kind, with an actual deck of cards) as long as I can play the deal for at least three minutes. When I lose faster than that I end up feeling like it was just a waste of time doing all that shuffling.

FedEx, UPS, USPS drivers are all very happy when you thank them for being out there. If you see them, thank them.

Is time a relevant construct?

On the news last night there seemed to be an indication that a beef/pork shortage is imminent. Which means a chicken shortage will follow. So buckle up everyone (or unbuckle, probably more accurate). Pasta it is.

Will we see masks as part of the outfits on the Paris fashion runways? I feel like we will.

I read a great line in a novel I'm reading. "Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books." This is just the truth.

I want to go outside my house tonight at 7pm and cheer for healthcare workers but I think my neighbors would just think I've lost it. Which is not necessarily not true.

If you wandered through my house to try to figure out what I do during the day you'd currently find laying around: my Italian book and study aids, watercolors and a pad of paper, the book I am reading, two decks of cards on the coffee table, a loaf of bread I baked yesterday, Time and The Atlantic on the side table, a stack of greeting cards ready to be sent to friends and family and a stick of butter softening on the counter waiting to be used for I don't-know-what-yet. Also walking shoes by the door.

Since you can't gather and have parties right now, can you get a pony keg during a pandemic? I wonder how long it would take me and Dave to go through a pony keg. Also, Dave doesn't really drink so I wonder how long it would take me to go through a pony keg. I'm not going to go get one, so no worries. Just wondering.

The gin gimlet is frankly just delightful. Regarding alcoholic beverages, I am "Team Lime" all the way.

I am growing some herbs in a pot in the backyard. I planted them over a month ago and they are, I kid you not, STILL ALIVE! I am going to harvest some of the thyme and sage today (just picture me in a pair of overalls out harvesting the crops) and flash-fry it to go on top of whatever I'm making for dinner tonight. Unless we're having hamburgers. That doesn't sound like it pairs well together.

People's gardens/yards look amazing right now. I don't know if people have more time to tend them or if the air is cleaner and things are growing better or if maybe it's just as simple as it's spring and there's new growth in spring but it's beautiful out there.

It's really beautiful out there.

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