Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

I'm terribly sorry to continue to harp on this and I swear to you that there are a number of other things that I do think about on a daily basis, but this just keeps happening. And I don't get why.

Last night, when I went to bed, my iPhone weather app said that today, Easter Sunday, was going to be sunny. That was the SOLE emoji used to depict the forecast.

When I woke up this morning, my day of sunshine had been altered to an overcast morning with three hours of sunshine from 1pm-4pm followed by a partly sunny late afternoon.

It is currently 11:30am and my consultation of the app reveals the sunshine has now been narrowed down to a 2pm-4pm window, with the entire rest of the day represented by a giant cloud covering a sun.

It's now 11:33am and the window for sunshine just amended to 3pm-4pm.

Update: It's 1:11pm and the sunshine will now presumably be from 2pm-3pm.
BUT BUT BUT... it's sunny outside RIGHT NOW, at 1:12pm.

THIS IS SO NOT OK! I really, really need someone to explain to me what has happened to the (formerly somewhat accurate) meteorologists because I'm getting concerned that perhaps we've all been "hoaxed" and all the legitimate weather people have been removed and the new replacements in fact got their degrees from Trump University and have been playing a long game and this is all part of a larger plot to make it so that there is literally nothing predictable and therefore anything can potentially be rationalized and justified and before you know it we don't have a postal system anymore.

I fully realize I'm over the edge here. I just need. some. sunshine. (literal sunshine--nothing metaphorical going on here)

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