Thursday, May 7, 2020

I Need a Fireside Chat

I need a fireside chat.

I need someone in a position of leadership to sit America down and explain the moment that we are in. The situation, the facts, the ramifications, the consequences.

I really need someone to spell out, in no uncertain terms, the impact that our own individual behaviors has on everyone and everything around us. We all need to know what we each need to do to contribute to our country regaining a semblance of normalcy.

What one person does very hugely impacts many other people.

Who is up to this herculean task? Who is best suited to directly address the country and spell out the sacrifices that we are all going to have to make to have the greatest number of people come out alive on the other side of this pandemic?

I can picture FDR preparing a Fireside Chat for us. I imagine him reflecting on the fact that he has to send brave men and women into battle on the frontline of a deadly virus, and that many of those heroes will not come home. But I also expect that he will be doing everything in his power behind the scenes to lay conditions so that as many as possible will make it out alive.

I want that. I want a leader who knows that yes, lives will be lost, but who also takes concrete, informed actions to be sure that the number of lives lost will be the lowest possible. I would like to hear someone tell me what I can do to contribute my part to the number of lost souls being the lowest possible.

I will wear a mask. I can do that. There is almost nothing I cannot do in a mask that I could do otherwise. That is not a difficult ask.

I will stay home unless there are essential supplies that we need, and if I have to go out, I will do everything in my power to stay six feet away from those with whom I come into contact. This is harder to do, yes. It's surely an inconvenience, and certainly greatly limits my ability to go where I like and do what I want. But I understand. I understand that those warriors in the ER at 3am who haven't seen their families face-to-face for weeks need me to do this so that they have the best chance of having enough life-saving equipment to help those in the direst of circumstances.

They're doing their jobs to save lives. I can do my job to help them.

It's not fun. It's not easy. But I can do it. We all can.

But I think we could all do with an honest reckoning from an honorable leader who believes that all lives are worth saving, not just the ones who agree with him.

We don't need hype.
We need facts.

We don't need excuses.
We need a plan.

We don't need false hope.
We need inspiration.

We need a leader. And we need to listen.

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