Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Rabbit of Seville

How doooo!
Welcome to my shop
Let me cut your mop
Let me shave your crop!
Daintily! Daint-til-ly!
Hey yoooou!
Don't look so perplexed
Why must you be next
Can't you see you're next?
Yes, you're next!
Yoou're so next!

These are the opening lyrics to the Bugs Bunny cartoon "The Rabbit of Seville", which is a spoof of The Barber of Seville opera.

Steven and Olivia serenaded me with this little ditty as Dave cut my hair off this afternoon. Those two goofballs singing in their best Bugs Bunny voices put a smile on my face when I easily could have been crying. I thought I was going to cry. I actually told everyone I would probably cry. But in the end I didn't. No one did. We just all laughed our way through "The Rabbit of Seville" as my hair got progressively shorter and shorter, all the way down to 5/8 of an inch. 

I'm sure tomorrow morning when I look in the mirror it will be a shock. And I'm sure at some point I will cry because I have no hair. Or at least maybe I'll cry some more because of why I have no hair. 

But today, the day we shaved my head, was a good day. 

First off, Dave was okay with cutting my hair, for which I am so grateful. He could have easily said he didn't want to do something so traumatic and asked me to go to my hairdresser, and I would have understood. But he didn't. He approached it with clarity and tenderness, and that in turn made me feel calm and confident. Not an easy task, making a girl in my situation feel calm and confident. But he does it every day in a million little ways.

The kids came and sat outside with me through the whole thing. They sang (see above). They gave Dave compliments on his barber skills--we discussed the fact that perhaps Dave missed his calling. Olivia held my hand for a time. Steven told me with a genuine earnestness that I looked great with a shaved head--he thought I'd fit right in sitting at a table in a Starbucks with my computer, kinda hipster. 

Tomorrow will probably be hard. I'll venture out with a scarf or a hat. I'm sure people will notice. They will be polite and smile. They might feel badly for me. But they shouldn't. 

Because today, the day we shaved my head, was a good day :) And that makes me the luckiest girl in the world.

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