Tuesday, July 28, 2020

On Travel and Traveling

This morning, I caught myself staring longingly at my suitcase, neatly tucked into the corner of our closet.

I miss travel. I miss traveling. Two different things. Both of which, as mentioned, I miss.

I dream of going back to Italy. I yearn to return (unintended) to Prague and further explore Stare Mesto. I want to go to Iceland and see the Northern Lights. I'd love to visit coastal Maine. That's the travel I miss.

But also, the actual traveling is part of the joy to me. I have a fondness for the Escape Lounge that we get to use at the airport when we travel on Norwegian Air. The furniture isn't that comfortable. The food is alright. The off-brand prosecco is phenomenal, though, because you're drinking it right before you're boarding an international flight. Anything you're drinking right before boarding an international flight is better than it might be otherwise.

Airports. I love airports. I also like checklists, and airports are just checklists. Got your ticket? Check. Wait in line for security. Check. Put your bag on the x-ray belt and walk through the sensors. Check. Find your gate. Check. Get a coffee. Check. People watch. Fun! Check! Mock the people who crowd the boarding area ten minutes early in anticipation of their group being called (not a single airline I can name rewards this behavior with even the remote possibility of a better seat--even on Southwest you have to line up in numerical order, so you get to go when it's your turn and not before--grab some pine, meat). Check! I can't explain it. I think for most people these are all potential frustrations, but for me they're part of the thrill of adventure.

Airline seats are not generally pleasant. Yet I enjoy flying. Short flights. Long-haul. I don't really care--the anticipation of exploration cancels out the discomfort of the journey for me. Plus, you know, free sodas and peanuts.

Getting from the airport to your hotel--this is just pure exhilaration for me. I love public transportation. Sure, Uber's convenient. Taxis are fine. But a metro? A subway? Trains? Yes please! With maps and instructions in a language I don't understand? Even better! So much fun! Correctly deciphering a map while in transit is just. the. best. Arriving at your hotel after successfully navigating your way from your flight to the tram to the correct train to getting off at the right stop and then wending your way through unfamiliar streets--euphoria!

Getting places is often as fun as whatever you're going to do once you get there. For me, at least.

I just miss it all. The getting there. The being there. The prosecco in the Escape Lounge.

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