Sunday, July 12, 2020

This Isn't Going as Great as You Think It Is

"I couldn't be more proud of our nation's response to the corona virus pandemic."
                                    --Vice-President Mike Pence, July 1

Really. Really? Really?!?!

Because there are any number of ways I could be more proud of our nation's response:

          --if Trump had bothered to consult epidemiologists upon hearing of the virus' initial emergence                          
          --if Trump had listened to medical experts at any point during this crisis
          --If the federal government had enacted federal safety guidelines to keep people safer
          --if masks had not been politicized and demeaned by Republican leadership
          --if protesters would have worn masks while fighting for their very worthy causes
          --if people would actually stay at home, following stay-at-home orders
          --if states would have actually met CDC re-opening guidelines before re-opening
          --if every.single.governor would have simply advised their populations to wear masks
          --if more Americans would at least pretend to care about vulnerable populations
          --if Kayleigh McEneny would stop wearing sundresses and dress more like CJ Cregg
          --if Trump would, just once, tell America that wearing a mask saves lives
          --if Congress would authorize recurring subsistence payments to out-of-work Americans
          --if young people would stop thinking they're invincible and start realizing they're carriers
          --if we let science dictate our health policy, instead of politics

I could go on. And on. I'm really not sure what Mike Pence is proud of. We are not winning battles. We are certainly not winning the war.

Essential and frontline workers,
healthcare workers, who are in a category all their own in terms of hero status,
the greatest generation,
everyone who is putting the safety of others first by following difficult guidelines,

deserve better.

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