Friday, May 25, 2018

Will someone please explain...

Okay, so the idea here is that I'm going to make a list of things I don't understand.

Not science-y or math-y stuff, of which I understand relatively nothing and am never really expecting that to change.

These are things I see that must have some logic-based solution that completely escapes me. So here goes:

1. WHY oh why are razorblade refills so flippin' expensive that they are kept in locked cases in the store? If someone could help me out with every single nonsensical part of this I would be eternally grateful. Please don't say they're locked up because they are a frequently shoplifted item. That would only explain half of my conundrum. I still need to know why a refill pack of four razorblades is $20. I'm just finding it hard to believe that there's mind-boggling new R & D technology that makes each blade worth a whopping five dollars! Perhaps they are one of the more shoplifted items because they are SO FLIPPIN' EXPENSIVE!

2. When a ballpoint pen seems to not work, why does writing on your hand seem to make it work? Anyone else ever do that? I don't get it. What magic properties does my skin have?

3. How come hotel shower faucets are so confusing? It's like a brain teaser--to get hot water you have to pull out on the handle, turn it clockwise to the 3 o'clock position, push it in halfway and then look for the lever that makes it a shower instead of a bath. And they're all different! So when you finally figure one out it's not useful information at all the next time you stay in a hotel.

4. Picture this: you're sitting at your computer. You open up your browser--let's say Safari. You single click in the search bar, which then brings up a box with all of your bookmarks... and randomly maybe your frequently visited sites. But sometimes not your frequently visited sites. Why do they come up sometimes and not other times? Why not always? Or never? Someone please explain to me what it is I'm doing that makes the frequently visited sites either show up or not show up.

5. Why do sodas taste better through a McDonald's-sized straw? It seems to have something to do with the width of the opening to me (as opposed to the length of the straw), but I"m not positive. And I don't know why the width would make a difference. But it does.

6. How come none of us ever know the name of the drummer in a band (exceptions made for Ringo Starr, John Bonham and Don Henley)? Do you know who the drummer is in Maroon 5? Metallica? U2? Coldplay? Pearl Jam? Me neither.

7. Someone explain the process of determining state postal codes. If Alabama is AL and Alaska is AK, why is Alaska AK? If it's because Alabama came first in the alphabet, then riddle me this Batman: why is Arizona AZ and Arkansas is AR? Shouldn't Arizona get the AR because it's alphabetically before Arkansas? Shouldn't Arkansas be AN or AS?

8. Why do some people care so much about whether the toilet paper comes up from under or over the top of the roll?

9. If you're in the "C" boarding group on a Southwest flight, why are you even trying to bring a carry-on bag aboard? There's not going to be room. You're going to have to gate check it. You're just holding up the departure of the plane. What are you doing, man?

I think that's it for now. I'll start my list anew now that this one has been released out into the wild. I'm not really expecting anyone to answer these questions for me, but it feels a little cathartic to put them out there, just in case I'm not insane unique and other people wonder about these things, too.

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