Saturday, June 24, 2017

Why It's Fun to Name a Band

Our family likes to name bands. Okay, it's mostly me. I name bands. My family will occasionally jump in. But mostly they mock my band naming tendencies (and the actual band names I throw out there).

To be clear, I haven't actually ever named an actual band of instrument-playing people. I just like to think of names for bands.  And really, I don't even try to think of them.  It's not like I all sit around and try to come up with a great name.  It occurs more as an afterthought during a conversation.  My husband might say something like, "Hey, Steven, are you ready to go?  The Savage taxi is on its way."  (We have friends whose last name is Savage). And then I'll say, "Hey, Savage Taxi would be a great name for a band!" Because it WOULD be a great name for a band. That's how to play this game.

It sort of makes you listen with a different ear. You should try it.

Once you start doing this, a funny thing happens. You start also noticing phrases that would be TERRIBLE band names. And you start throwing those out as well. Those are almost more fun than the good ones. With the good ones, people will sometimes nod their head in agreement and perhaps mutter, "yeah, nice." They don't elicit a huge reaction. But when you casually drop in, "Oh, wow, 'Pop the Zit' would really make a terrible band name, you get people's attention. Then, just to try it out, you have to say, "Now coming to the stage, please welcome Pop the Zit!" in your best announcer voice (say "stage" three times getting softer each time, and do the same with Pop, the, and Zit). I'm grossing myself out here. That really would be a terrible band name!

Now that you know how this game works, you're going to start naming bands. You won't be able to help yourself. Have fun!

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