Friday, June 23, 2017

I Want to Spy on My Kids (but I won't)

Steven is down in Los Angeles visiting Olivia for the weekend. They both have season passes for Harry Potter World that are going to expire soon, so they wanted to use them one more time. I would absolutely LOVE to follow my kids around Harry Potter World.

I envision them, as they pass various Potter locations, quoting parts of the books, possibly acting them out. Without a care in the world as to whether anyone around them thinks they're dorks. And let's be honest--they're at Harry Potter World. No one there is going to think they are dorks for doing any of that. More likely they'll all be jealous. I think, although I can't say 100%, that Olivia might be able to quote at least one of the Harry Potter movies from beginning to end. I'm not joking.

In all honestly, I'd actually love to follow them around all weekend (in a disguise so as not to change their behavior). I picture them laughing a lot. I mean close to non-stop laughing. Because they're like that together at home, and away from us parents I suspect they laugh even more, and quite possibly they laugh at us (because again, they do this at home).

My guess is they also eat a lot. I envy them that. They're young and in great shape and if someone is offering them a goblet of butter beer, they're not going to pause to count calories or worry if it's nutritionally sound. Also, I ask them to send me pictures when they're together and a lot of the photos I get are of them eating.

I can absolutely guarantee you that Olivia will be singing lines from "Hamilton" the entire weekend. I will be interested to see if she turns Steven into a "Hamilton" fan. If anyone can do it, it's her. She not only knows all the lyrics, she is reading the biography that inspired the show and she's been researching various parts of the American Revolution because she's interested in the details beyond the story created by the musical. She'll have Steven discussing the merits of the National Bank before he knows what hit him.

He'll also be telling Olivia about his new apartment. Steven just moved to San Francisco and has his own apartment, all to himself, for the first time. It's downtown, just off of the Embarcadero, about a ten minute walk to AT&T Park (crucial information). Olivia has never been interested in living in San Francisco. She's always wanted to live in Los Angeles for as long as I can remember. But I think Steven might be the only person who could talk Olivia into moving north. I'm sure he'll be telling her all about his new digs, what's around, and all the cool things he has planned now that he's living in The City. Wouldn't surprise me if Olivia applied for jobs in San Francisco at some point in the future.

They're both also heading up to my brother-in-law's house in Palos Verdes to have dinner on Saturday night with him, his wife and their son, who is right between Olivia and Steven in age. They're going to have so much fun. Steve (my brother-in-law) has maybe the quickest wit of anyone I know, and he's unafraid to unleash it on our kids, which is great because I think he might just have met his match with Steven and Olivia. I would absolutely love to be at that dinner table. I predict someone ends up doing a spit take (Zack!).

I can't, of course, follow my kids around, so I will settle for hearing their stories when they call and when they come home to visit. And of course I will have all of the pictures they send me of them eating together.

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