Sunday, December 16, 2012


I opened my computer to look at the news on  Because I cannot bring myself to watch the news on TV right now.  I can't do it.  It's too heartbreaking.  It's too draining.  It makes me cry.  It brings overwhelming sadness.

And when I opened up the CNN website, I couldn't even click into anything other than the "entertainment" section.  I have no desire to know about Linsey Lohan's latest rehab, or the Kardashian's exploits, or which movies are getting awards.  But it's easier to read about those mindless, unimportant events than it is to read about the victims of the shooting in Connecticut.


Enough already.

Can we please, as a nation, acknowledge that we have a problem with guns?  Yes, we do have a problem with the people who shoot the guns.  But the people who shoot the guns HAVE the guns.  And that's a big part of the problem.

We need to address how easy it is to get a gun.  We need to make it less easy.  We might need to consider that we need to make getting some types of guns illegal.

No one but a trained military soldier should have access to an automatic weapon.  No one.  Let me say that again.  No one.

You want to hunt?  Feel free.  With a rifle.  That you have to re-cock each time you want to shoot.

You want to unwind with target practice?  Feel free.  With a gun that you have to re-cock each time you want to shoot.

Does that cramp your style?  Does that infringe upon your perceived second amendment rights?  You're alive to have your style cramped.  You're alive to be infringed upon.  Count yourself lucky.  There are twenty innocent kindergartners and six brave adults whose lives are lost too soon because we, as a nation, couldn't get it together to prevent this.

Enough already.

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