Monday, December 31, 2012


2013... the year I will...

Nope, not doing that this year.

I'm not going to ring in the new year by declaring that this will be the year I lose ten pounds.  I've done that more than once over the past several years, and doggone it if those pounds don't just seem to love me.  No matter how hard I have tried to ditch them, even when a few of them seem gone they always find their way home.  It's like they have GPS.

I'm not going to ring in the new year by vowing to keep up with the laundry.  I could keep up with the laundry.  I know that.  I realize it's not unfathomable to think that it could be done with some proper planning.  But that's the thing.  The best laid plans.... it's just too easy to fail.  The laundry will get done at some point.  Trust me.

I'm not going to ring in the new year by proclaiming that this is the year I will exercise for half an hour every day, five days a week, for 52 weeks straight.  Even thought I actually would really love to do that.  And I likely will try to do that. But I'm not going to set myself up for letting myself down by making January 1st the arbitrary beginning point to something that, rather than going smoothly for five days a week for 52 straight weeks, rather might have ebbs and tides based on life's currents.  I want to feel successful when I exercise.  Not guilty when I miss a day.

I'm not going to ring in the new year by vowing that this is the year I'm going to eat healthy!  There's not a lot of things I know for sure, but I do know there's Jack in the Box milkshakes in my future.  I absolutely, positively know this to be true.  And I will enjoy them.  I know this as well.  I also know that I will have what has been deemed in our household "milkshake regret" every single time I drink one.  It's just the way it is.  Love the shake.  Hate the post-shake "uuuggghhh" feeling.  I will try to eat healthy in between the times I am not eating healthy.  That's a resolution I can live up to.

I'm not going to ring in the new year by swearing that this is the year I will stay organized.  I will GET organized, yes.  I LOVE organizing.  I will clean my drawers.  I will empty out the fridge.  I will go through my closets.  Everything will be in its place.  For about two weeks.  And then entropy will take over.  This is proven science, people.  Things go from order to chaos.  There's no stopping it.

Which brings me to "My New Year's Resolution For 2013": adjust accordingly.

2013 is going to be a year of change.  There's no denying it.  There's no stopping it.  There's not really even any controlling it (WHAT??!!).  What there IS, what there CAN be, is adjusting accordingly to it.

This I will try to do.

2013 will be the year of ... 2013.  And whatever it happens to bring along for the ride.

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