Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All Over the (electoral) Map

Today's post has no theme.  You'd think from the title that it's going to be about politics.  It might be .  For a little bit.  But my thoughts are literally scattered today.

I ordered Steven's cap and gown this morning.  That was a little dose of hard reality.  His cap and gown.  For graduation.  So he can graduate.  And go to college.  And leave home.  Yeah, today's going to be a long day.

And incidentally, to order a cap and gown, you have to put the graduate's height and weight down for the sizing.  Today I also found out that my 6'3" son weighs the same as his 5'4" mother.  Yeah, yeah, different builds.  Whatever.  That's an eleven inch height difference with a zero pound weight difference.   So yeah, that really helped make my day better.  I'll be spending the next hour or so at the gym.  Possibly trying to stretch myself on a rack.

It's also election day.  Nervous.  Very nervous.  Pennsylvania, do NOT go red on me now!  I want to turn the TV on, but I've decided not to until at least 4pm, when polls start closing on the east coast and the news channels can post actual results as opposed to hypothetical speculation (yes, I know speculation is hypothetical--did you not get the part about me having a hard day? Leave it alone, ok?).

I cannot fathom the possibility of a President Romney.  My whole body just shuddered.

Talked about the election excitement this morning with the kids as we ate breakfast.  After discussing our fervent hope that Obama prevails, I asked the kids what they'd like for election night dinner.  Sloppy Joes was the resounding answer from both of them.  Then we decided maybe they should be called Sloppy Mitts.  Or Sloppy Romneys.  Which in theory was fun, but actually sounds kind of gross to eat.  We decided just plain old sloppy joes would be fine.

A quiz for you, to see if you've been reading this blog entry with your full concentration:

Kim should go to the gym today to:
(a) run off nervous election-day tension
(b) try to make her mother/son weight/height ratio more acceptable
(c) get out of the house so she doesn't turn on the TV before 4pm
(d) run hard enough on a treadmill so her tears at the thought of her kids leaving home look like sweat

Yeah, today's going to be a long day.

Go Obama!
(Don't go, Steven!)

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