Monday, March 23, 2020

TP or not TP (it only gets worse)

These are strange times.

I'm not saying my brain functions normally during the best of times, but right now my poor cortex (I have no idea which one, so I'm just going with cortex in general) does not quite know what to do or how to make decisions or even how to figure out what's important. As an actual example of my somewhat paralyzed state:

Do I iron my wrinkled shirt before I put it on, or just wear it as is?

I give this as an example of my brain not knowing what to do. At all. In these trying times of pandemicness and quarantinification, do I really care if my shirt is wrinkled? Should I care if my shirt is wrinkled? Does anyone else even notice if my shirt is wrinkled? I do not know the answers to these pressing (ha!) questions.

And there's more. So much more.

How important is toilet paper? Should I be hoarding it? I mean, if you went through your house and had to rank, by number, most important to least important things you need during a global emergency, where on the list would tp land? Based on the fact that people are buying it by the buttloads (you had to see that coming), it seems like it's in the top 5. Or at least it is for a lot of people. Which got me to thinking. What would be my top 5 necessities in case of a crisis (which, is, like, now I guess)?

Don't judge. Here they are--and these are particular to this crisis, by the way. In the case of zombies my list would of course be completely different.

1. food
2. coffee (it does not count as a food, it turns out)
3. soap (yes, yes, I ranked coffee above soap; I'm a horrible person)
4. gas in the car
5. paper napkins or paper towels (can be used for a variety of purposes, if you get my drift)

This list presupposes that there is electricity, water and internet. If there's not electricity, water and internet all bets are off. That would change everything.

At that point, I would definitely not wonder if my shirt needed ironing.

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