Friday, October 21, 2016

So Let Me Get This Straight...

So let me get this straight...

There are, apparently, undecided voters.
Just to note: today is October 21, 2016. Eighteen days out from the election.
Rumor has it there are, still, undecided voters.
I am baffled. Flummoxed. Completely bewildered.

How, possibly, can anyone be undecided at this point?

If people are undecided as to whether or not they are actually going to cast a vote, I guess I would have more understanding for that than for people who are trying to decide between Trump and Clinton.

Never, I don't think, has there been a deeper chasm between two candidates than this year. I cannot grasp that there might be people out there who just might be swayed from one to the other between now and November 8.

I'm not going to try to hide my preference: I am unashamedly, unabashedly going to proudly vote for Hillary Clinton.

And while I will not pretend to comprehend how so many people can be supporting Donald Trump, what I truly cannot fathom is how so many people can be wavering between voting for Trump or Clinton. There is LITERALLY nothing they have in common. NOTHING!

So if you are an undecided voter in this election, please help me out. I need to know. What might possibly sway you one way or the other?

If you're leaning towards Hillary, would one more woman coming forward to say she's been sexually harassed by Donald do it? Would Donald finding yet another group of people to collectively discriminate against help you make the choice?

If you're leaning towards Donald, would yet another batch of deleted emails leaked by the Russians help you make your decision? Would more questions regarding the ethics of the Clinton Foundation solidify your choice?

Truly, this has been an election cycle that has not brought out the best in anyone.

When this is all over and we at last have a democratically elected leader, and after we have had the peaceful transition of power that should be a reminder to us all of just how fortunate we are to live in this nation, I hope that we all can unite together. On something. On anything.

But before that can happen, people are going to have to make a choice. A serious choice. This is not a reality show. This is our nation's future.

Don't be undecided. Make an informed choice guided by facts (actual facts, not made-up facts) and knowledge and abilities.

Cast your vote for who you think would best represent you, your family, your interests and your future as this nation moves forward domestically and on the world stage.

Take your responsibility to participate in this process seriously. Because apparently not everyone does. And while I think apocalyptic talk of our democracy crashing down is a bit hyperbolic, I do think it is possible that it could slowly erode, every vote not cast weakening its foundation.

Read. Listen. Learn. Choose.

Your right to do all of those things depends upon you exercising your right to vote.

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