Thursday, March 8, 2012

People I Can't Forgive, Part 2

Let's just get right into it.

OFFENDER #5: Newt Gingrich
It baffles me that people are, of their own free will, selecting this man as their candidate of choice to represent them not only in the upcoming Presidential Election, but possibly to represent them AS their President; to be the face of the United States of America; to be the voice of our great nation.

I say it again--it baffles me.  To no end.

This is a man who has TWICE abandoned ship in his marriages, both times during times of medical crisis for his (former) wives.  And both times he had already been cheating on said wives.  Yet he claims to represent the idea of "traditional family values".  Huh?

He is bombastic, impetuous, childish, bratty, and frankly just plain not likable.  The thought of this man running the country frightens me more than I can convey in words.  And I'm not alone.  Last night, as the networks began to realize that he was about to win the South Carolina primary, one of the reporters revealed that many of Newt's former colleagues who are still serving in Congress were, and I quote, "freaking out" at the thought that this man might be in charge.  And that was not just Republicans freaking out.  Newt is an equal opportunity guy.  He freaks 'em all out.

OFFENDER#6: Rick Santorum
Oh my god.  This guy freaks me out even more than Newt.  And that's pretty hard to do.

Some choice (paraphrased) quotes from Mr. Santorum:
•Your teenage daughter got pregnant from a rape? She should consider it a "gift from God".
•John F. Kennedy's speech on the importance of the separation of church and state: it "made (me) want to throw up".
•on President Obama: "what a snob" for wanting every child to have the opportunity to go to college.

Oy.  This guy is such a  right-wing idiot he makes Rush Limbaugh look like a mere entertainer...

OFFENDER #7: Rush Limbaugh
Oh, wait, according to Rick Santorum, Rush IS just an "entertainer".  Yeah, right.  Name me any  "entertainer  "who has Republican candidates walking on eggshells so as not to offend.

I don't get it.  I just don't get it.  At all.  Not even a little.

This man called a female college student who wanted insurance coverage for birth control a "slut", a "prostitute", "someone who wants to be paid for having sex".  And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, he proposed that she should have to post videos of her having sex with said birth control online so he, and all the other "taxpayers" who paid for her contraception, could get something for their money.

Wow.  Any person with a daughter should be offended.  Any person with a brain should be offended.

And yet none of the Republican candidates seem to be offended.

Why does this man, this arrogant ass (and really, that onomatopoetic name is far too nice sounding for him) hold so much sway with Republicans?  Can he actually deliver votes, or is he just a big, loud-mouthed blowhard?  That's a serious question.  My money's on the blowhard.

That may be the one and only thing on which I actually agree with Rick Santorum.

OFFENDER #8: Sarah Palin
Yeah, I know.  I already have her on my first list of People I Can't Forgive.  But she's that bad.  Even John McCain had a hard time keeping a straight face on CNN yesterday when asked to comment on Ms. Palin's recent announcement that, should there be a brokered convention for the Republicans, she would of course be available to step in and do whatever her country needed her to do.

Please, Sarah, do not mistake the need for a brokered convention as the need for you to in any way try to enter national politics.

Election season has a long way to go.  Stay tuned for Part 3.

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