Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Where's the Fire?

Okay, people, I need you to slow down.  On so many fronts.

I need you to slow down in your cars.  The speed you go on any given street is not a guessing game, or a game of any sort. There are signs posted to tell you exactly how fast you can/should be going, just in case you can't quite remember.  They are not suggestions.  They are the law.  You need to obey them.  Even if you don't think you do.  You really do.

I need you to actually stop at the stop signs.  All the way.  Completely.  No rolling through because "there was no one coming".  The sign doesn't say "STOP if no one's coming".  It just says stop.  Which is what you should do.  Again, even if you don't think you should.  You really should.

I need you to slow down in parking lots.  I'm sure you're in a hurry.  That wine's not going to chill itself now, is it?  I get it.  But in case you hadn't noticed, parking lots are full of not only cars (which clearly are going far too slowly for you), but also people (who clearly are also going far too slowly for you).  Please keep in mind that you are operating a two ton hunk of metal with powers of acceleration and destruction far beyond those of a sauntering pedestrian.  It's not a racetrack.  It's a parking lot.  People are supposed to go slowly in a parking lot.  I know that frustrates you, but it is not their fault that you didn't plan your time wisely and you are behind schedule.  Don't take it out on them.

And while I'm on the whole parking lot scenario, may I make a suggestion?  If you are driving down the main lane of a parking lot and a car is in the process of backing out of a parking space, thus impeding your forward progress, gently lift your right foot off of the accelerator pedal, shift it slightly to the left, and gently press down on the brake pedal.  Let the car out of its space.  Be kind and safe.  If you are the guy who speeds up and veers around cars that are slowly backing out of their spaces, might I remind you that sooner or later that's going to be YOU stuck in that parking space, trying to get out.  Karma's a bitch.

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