Monday, August 3, 2020

Just pretty much ignore this post and go about your business

I have some issues I'd like to air and I bet you're on the edge of your seat waiting to hear about them. Because nothing screams originality like someone complaining on a Monday. So maybe consider skipping this post. It's really more for me than it is for you. 

I'm just going to get these out. I'm not really going to extrapolate them. I think I just may need to scream them out my front door at 4am but I am a good neighbor so not doing that. You're welcome Mark, Bobbi, Karen and Brad. You can, if you'd like, get up at 4am and imagine me doing it, though. Let me know if it brings you any relief. 

So here we go...

Wear. A. Mask. 
The USPS is not expendable, Republicans, for ANY reason. Speak the #&$*% up!
There is no silver bullet for this pandemic, America. I know you want one. It's not coming.
Vaccines will not be here by November like you're being told so Wear. A. Mask. 
The vaccine will not be an instant solution. Do you know this, America? You do know this, right?
Kids should not be in school. Period.
We have chosen bars and restaurants over education. 
Congress should not be allowed to go on recess with the current chaos. 
A third of Bangladesh is underwater and it's not even a major news story. A THIRD OF BANGLADESH!
Google's new YouTubeMusic app has some kinks that need to be worked out. Just saying. 
People, if you have a peach tree, pick your peaches for god's sake. Don't let them fall to the ground to rot.
Homemade molasses cookies are really good but probably better in the winter I think. My mistake. 
I love baseball but it's kind of a mess right now. 
I do not love Farhan Zaidi or his impact on the Giants. Wish Kapler had more free reign. I like him.

Phew. I think I'm done. Carry on. Go about your business. Nothing to see here. 

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