The focus of attention was the many "Donald-gates"
The candidates were stumping the best that they could
In hopes that the Donald would soon come unglued.
The pundits were stymied by their prior predictions
That Trump would not last, that his surge was mere fiction
And CNN in its frenzy and FOX in its haste
Did a mockery sure make of the GOP debates
When the candidates did clamor to say what was the matter
Trump continued to best them with his ridiculous clatter
Too many to count, they all tried to be heard
They tried and they tried but could not get in a word
The reporters on the beat of the long campaign trail
Gave interview after interview to Trump without fail
When what to my horrified eyes did appear
Yet another heinous quote inciting hatred and fear
From this man who's "amazing" (at least that's what he says)
And "the greatest", the "richest" and of course he's "the best"
More rabid than Old Yeller his supporters they flock
As he continues his tirades of bluster and shock
Ignore the Constitution and ban all Muslims
Keep the Mexicans out with the biggest of walls
Close "that internet" down to cause ISIS to fall
With no mind for the law and no thought to the past
He taps into a base with ideas half-assed
To another debate the candidates did scurry
The soundbites were flying in a tizzy and flurry
And then in a rare moment of courage and candor
Jeb! finally decided to no longer pander
As I turned up the volume and was focusing in
Jeb! changed his tactics, determined to win
He was ready to pounce and had nothing to lose
He stood up to the Donald (unlike Ted Cruz)
He called him a candidate of chaos, unhinged
With disgust and sincerity Jeb's words they were tinged
Trump responded like usual, put his insults to work
He huffed and he puffed and he acted the jerk
Spewing his nonsense, no policies he has
How can he be more than a mere passing fad?
The race has been altered forever, it's so
The level of discourse now shockingly low
He rises in polls with his reckless abandon
He's come so much farther than I had imagined
I dream that one day he will lose his big lead
And then with his triumph no more guaranteed
He'll quickly back out and will fade out of sight
While those with integrity will fight the good fight
I can hear him exclaim as he goes absentee
"I'll never support anyone other than me!"
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