Monday, July 30, 2018

That Young, Cocky Guy

I"ll just get this out of the way: I'm not really a Tom Cruise fan.

I mean, it's not that I don't like his movies. I like some of them. Risky Business was a fun romp of a flick. Top Gun was ridiculously stupid but also ridiculously fun. The Mission Impossible franchise has its moments, though I think they may have to come up with a new plot at some point because I'm fairly certain the synopsis for the past four of them reads, "The team has to find and stop rogue terrorists from detonating black market nuclear bombs." (And they always do find and stop those rogue terrorists! They're very good at their job!)

And clearly the man is talented--I'll freely admit that. While I don't see him receiving an Academy Award (maybe an honorary one?), he's a decent actor, and his stunt work is phenomenal (okay, maybe that's where his Oscar will come from).

He's got great genetics and I'm assuming an equally great plastic surgeon on speed dial. The man does not age.

My girlfriends love him. In that regard, he's just not my type. Not even close. Give me Colin Firth any day-- tall and lanky, an English accent, able to pull off serious and snarky with equal effect, and an alum of the greatest movie ever made, Love Actually (yeah, that's right Olivia, I'm challenging your Hercules assertion).

I digress.

Not a huge Tom Cruise fan. I think it's because, to me, he plays the same role, over and over and over again.
Risky Business--check out this new star who plays a young, cocky guy!
All the Right Moves--check out Cruise as a young, cocky football player!
Top Gun--check out Tom Cruise as he plays a young, cocky guy in the Navy!
The Color of Money--Tom Cruise plays a young, cocky pool hustler with Paul Newman!
Rain Man--showing his serious acting chops, Tom Cruise plays a young, cocky guy who discovers he has a heart!
Days of Thunder--Tom meets his future wife Nicole Kidman in this movie where he plays a young, cocky racing car driver!
Mission Impossible (1 through 15)--Cruise plays Ethan Hunt, a cocky (though not so young anymore) special agent who saves the world!

Spot the trend...

He's great at what he does. It's just that he does it a lot. I mean A LOT!

Not that Tom Cruise is looking for advice from me (I'm not positive of this but I'm fairly certain he doesn't know who I am), but if I may: stretch yourself, Tom. Make yourself uncomfortable. You were great in The Last Samurai. It may not have been box office gold, but you were superb. Not every role has to show off your impressive physical capabilities.You do your own stunts. We get it.

I want to like Tom. I do. It would probably help if he stopped all the Scientology nonsense, but I get the impression he's not willing to give that up in order to impress me.

So I'm left with hoping that Tom will find a script--I know it's out there-- that will allow him to more heavily rely on what are probably some decent dramatic skills.

He plays fearless quite convincingly in the Mission Impossible series. He just needs to get a little more fearless with his acting endeavors. He can emulate my guy, Colin Firth, who who has attempted both a stuttering King of England leading a nation through war as well as an awkward gay man who bursts into terrible songs and awful dancing with a cast including Meryl Steep and Cher! (One of those is way better than the other, but he tried (twice!) and he looks like he's having a great time doing it).

That's all I'm suggesting, I guess. Just try, Tom. Do something daring.

My suggestion: Tom plays the Richard Burton part in a remake of Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf? And it would be phenomenal if Nicole Kidman plays the Elizabeth Taylor part. There's got to be some residual anger there that could help them both dig into the parts.

I want to be a Tom Cruise fan. Help me help you make me a fan, Tom.

And please, under no circumstances, should there be a Top Gun sequel.